Favorite Posts

Come And Find Me [Josh Ritter]: Not my first post, but it's pretty much where this story begins. How I put my medical dreams on hold (again), why I would be doing so, and trying to figure out if that made me crazy. 

On Almost Any Sunday Morning [Counting Crows]: Budapest, Day One. I think this line sums it up best: "But, as I am an adventurer first and a coward second, I made my way from beneath my sheets and got ready to start my day". 

America [Neil Diamond: On how to still have Thanksgiving (complete with Turkey and stuffing!) away from America. And how to share that holiday with others. 

An Eulogy For An Old Friend: When my mom had to put her (second) horse down, it hit me pretty hard. Animals occupy a place in our heart that is so much more than the title of 'pet' can describe. They are family, friends, companions, and loved ones. That's what this post is about, losing a piece of the family. 

Alive [Pearl Jam]: I fence. So, naturally, I've been fencing in Budapest. 

The World We Live In [The Killers: Or, how Budapest can get cold and depressing in the winter. I try to be honest when I write these posts, tell you how it is to live here instead of back in the states. This post is brutally, brutally honest. 

For Haiti: It seems everyone had their piece to say about the disaster in Haiti. I did too. I've always believed that even if you have nothing, you have something to give. A hug, a smile, a penny, or your time. No matter how low you may feel, there is always someone lower - and it is your responsibility, as a fellow human being, to help them. Haiti needed our help, and together we've only just started to lend a hand. 

Wishful Wednesday: Thursday Next: Also known as where I supplied the topic for WW. Yep, me, your brilliant little host. "I wish: I could live the life of one character from a book! 

Suddenly I See [KT Turnstall]: Another post on fencing in Budapest, actually on not-fencing in Budapest. But this really explains my mentality with the sport and how bummed I am to not have been fencing since Christmas.

Budapest, Szeretlek: Translation: Budapest, I love you. On how ever so slowly a place takes on the role of a character in the story of your life. It gets under your skin. It becomes a part of you.

Je Vois La Vie En Rose: How can you not love a post on Paris, full of pictures?

On Turning 25: I finally hit the quarter of a century mark. In this post you can read the top twenty-five lessons I have learned in my lifetime. Well, maybe not "top 25," but still, they're all pretty important.

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